







早前我在香港聾人福利促進會安排下,接受了免費雜誌《HK Magazine》的訪問,第753期(17 Oct 2008)的專題故事為「Serenity in the City」,主要探討繁忙都市裡,如何在生活壓力與嘈雜環境下尋找心靈慰藉,其中一個環節便訪問三類人士,包括搖滾樂發燒友、警員及聽障人士,記者的訪問內容節錄如下:

記者問:Do you find living in the city stressful, even if you aren't able to hear well?

我答:My world is usually very quiet. That said, when I'm walking in the streets or having yum cha at a teahouse, I can hear the noise even if I'm not wearing my hearing aid.

記者問:Do you notice things people with normal hearing don't?

我答:When you can't hear well, you look harder at things with your eyes. I've developed stronger observational abilities and took up photography after my diagnosis.

記者問:How do you feel about having lost most of your hearing?

我答:My situation is a bit embarrassing - I'm not completely deaf, but neither can I hear well even with a hearing aid. It's hard for many people to have a conversation with me. I don't know sign language and sometimes people assume that I can hear properly with my hearing aid. They don't seem to know that I need time to figure out the meanings of a lot of the sounds I hear.

記者問:Has your hearing impairment brought you anything positive?

我答:As I can only have one-on-one conversations, overhearing gossip is just impossible for me. And my colleagues often joke that I'm immune to negative comments. They're right; I do gain peace of mind that way. I'd probably be upset if I could catch their conversations.

1 則留言:

  1. 這首貝多芬的樂曲,聽起來反而讓人有一種豁然開朗的感覺,不知他是不是如此樂觀,縱然患有耳疾,仍然抖起精神面對人生的種種困難!不過我相個患有聽障的你們,同樣可以有自己的天地,以積極的態度,面對當前障礙!你們是很有生命力的一群,努力加油! WS
